
A nice way to end Q&A

Senator Leyonhjelm explains that there is no difference between the major Australian parties anymore. If people are looking for change, they should look to the Liberal Democrats!

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ABC Radio Brisbane: Foreign Donations & Internments for Terrorists

Senator Leyonhjelm discusses the perceived influence of Chinese donations on the major Australian political parties and why he is against the idea of internments for terrorists.

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Q&A Recap

Senator Leyonhjelm expands on issues discussed on Monday night’s Q&A, including the NDIS, renewable energy, terrorism and immigration.

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Terrorists are dickheads

In this video, Christian Porter tries to shift blame onto internet service providers for the actions of terrorists. This is like blaming the telephone for a bunch of bank robbers conspiring to rob a bank. It’s ridiculous. As always, Senator

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Q&A: Dismissed as an ‘old male’ with a perspective on climate change

Senator Leyonhjelm has a different argument on climate change and is dismissed as an old male. His argument was that the government can’t solve climate change. Even if every country stuck by the Paris Agreements (a big if), it would

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Senate obstruction not to blame for lurking ‘zombie’ measures

The Turnbull Government has abandoned Abbott-era policies to cut government spending on welfare, health and education. These were the so-called “zombie” measures that had been lurking in budget papers since 2014 but not legislated. Supposedly the Senate was to blame

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Gonski funding: give money to the parents, not the schools

by David Leyonhjelm When I proposed that childcare subsidies be reduced where household income exceeds $250,000, and eliminated where it exceeds $350,000, the major parties wet their pants. I had the government over a barrel so it said nothing, but

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CEDA’s State of the Nation 2017 – The Senate Crossbench (Full)

Senator Leyonhjelm is joined on a panel with Sarah Hanson-Young and Nick Xenophon to discuss their perspectives on the make up of federal parliament and other big issues. Chaired by Lyndal Curtis.

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